Give a new sleek look to your cd player with TFK20 motor series

A flat motor is the need of the day. It is extremely necessary to have a proper DC motor to convert electrical current to mechanical energy. Providing manual energy is not possible always. Also, having source of mechanical energy is not possible. Yet, electrical energy is mostly available, with just a plug in point needed.
This voltage motor belongs to the TFK20 series, with dimensions of 14.5x8x6 mm. thus, one can very well imagine how tiny it is in size, yet it is extremely important and is used in audio and visual equipment’s. This includes portable CD player, CD/DVD – ROM drive, and CD player in one’s car. Hence, its importance can be very well affirmed.
This series can be found in its model, TFK20-06200 range. Its speed can be said to be good enough, with no load speed said to be at 12500 rpm and maximum efficiency speed at 8940 rpm. It operates within voltage range of 1.5V to 3.6V and its nominal voltage range is at 3.0V constant.
At stall its force rate ranges from 0.31 to 3.2 torque. Its current rate is also at 0.19. One can very well see that with such features, this motor will become one of the most soughted items in near future.
Weighing at approximately 2.4 gm, one can check out for its high quality at Teco Electric Ltd to get best knowledge.